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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
don't worry, be happy! posted at 11:55 PM | 0 Noticed Me

A day in the new life of moi:

6 plus- Rise & shine
7 plus- Get out of hse
8 plus- Seated at the office desk
12 plus- brunch
2 plus to 5 plus- frequent toilet breaks to keep myself awake
8 plus- dinner cum TV time
11 plus- bedtime

And the cycle repeats.

Its one month plus into my new job and Im still trying hard to adapt to it.

Weekends are always over before I know it. Monday blues starts on Sunday afternoon.

How I envy my sis who has just finished her exams and is enjoying her holidays now....

Well, I guess it is time to move on and stop looking back....

....."Always look on the bright side of life"......

Good Nitez!

Saturday, April 19, 2008
don't worry, be happy! posted at 5:22 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Traumatised is the word.

Was on my way to school when I saw the aftermath of a serious road accident at the PIE.There were a few traffic police cars and motorbikes on the first lane and road shoulder.The front portion of the wrecked car was totally dented as like a can of drink being crashed. A blue police tent was used to cover the dead body. TPs were directing the traffic flow.Massive jams resulted as ongoing cars slowed down upon approaching the scene.

Reached school 15 minutes later but my lecturer was even later cos he was trapped in the massive jam.Was glad that Im not late for my last lecture at SIM as a full-time student. Feeling kinda 依依不舍 as my full-time student life is really drawing to an end.Route of no return is waiting for me.Haiz.Or was it as wad Cai has said, I still cant accept the fact that I have got to step into the working world. I got to grow up! I have to get over the transition period!

Why am I only starting to cherish school life when it is cuming to an end?

Anyway, on a lighter note,I really tink that Cai is someone who is "always late,but worth the wait!"

Read on to find out why!

Me: What time do u want to meet tml at the library to study?

Cai: Hmm...ard 10am,10plus....

Me: Ok!

The next day.....

9:09am- Sent morning-call msg to Cai. Replied she is awake le.

10:30am- Me: Cai, Im at the lib liaoz.Where r u?

Cai:Im reaching soon...

10:45am- Me: Cai,I can't seem to find any seats here,am walking towards the CC.Wru?

Cai: Im preparing to get out of my hse ....AMK to Bishan very fast one....

Ah bish...!

Me: 郭同学,If i dun see u by 11am, lunch is on you...

11:30am- Cai finally arrives.

Cai was honest enuff to tell me that she was still in bed at 9:45am when she suggested to meet at ard 10plus.


But it was all thanks to Cai that I can enjoy my dinner at Crystal Jade Shanghai restaurant,Terminal 3.Cos she footed the bill.


Cai, pls continue to cultivate the "good habit" of being late.Cos its really worth the wait!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
don't worry, be happy! posted at 1:02 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Told ya so.i am hopelessly lazy.Its been a loooooooooong time since I last blogged.

So, what have I been doing in the past few months?

1.Went on a Thailand trip during the CNY holidays.Did quite a bit of shopping but I can't seem to find what i have bought in my wardrobe.Im still having a big headache choosing what to wear everytime im going out.

2.Been "indulging" in youtube and spending countless hours infront of the TV. Basically finished watching hk drama-wo de ya man nai nai 2 n taiwan drama-dou niu yao bu yao.

3.Spending way tooo many hours in dreamland. On average, I sleep at least 10 or 12? hours a day when I am not working or going to school that day.

4.Munching non-stop.There is still some tid-bit left over from CNY at that corner of my kitchen. I cant stop but help myself to it.

5.As a result of munching non-stop, i have put on weight. But Im simply lazy to hit the gym or make my way to the stadium.

6.Been serving websites such as jobstreet,jobsDB and monster.com for suitable job.However, my resume is not ready yet.

7.Been serving the web for the format of a proper resume.

8. Am "proud" to announce that I have started my revision for my exam which will commence in less than 2 months' time.

9.Shopping is a must!

10.MJ sessions

11.Gettind myself updated with news from the entertainment industry.

Thy shall not continue with the list lest you,you, you and u gets bored reading this entry.


After much pondering, I will still like to show you another list,but this time round,its my to-do list.Fret not, i will keep the list short and sweet.

1.I really, really, really gotta put my heart and soul into my revision.

2.I need to come up with my resume.

3.I need to stop "nua-ing".

End of list.

I will officially embark on the route of no return --- stepping into the working society, after the exam in end May.

I need
MVP!!! Motivation, Vision & Perseverance!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
don't worry, be happy! posted at 3:26 PM | 0 Noticed Me


Yes.That 's me.Im simply hopeless and lazy.

My prelim and exam is around the corner but I have not been doing anything about it. I have not even finish reading up the notes for Chapter 1.I have not even started working on my long over-due assignment. I never touch my lecture notes unless Im in my lectures.

Conclusion: Im a terribly hopeless student.And I only have a few months left to fill in my occupation as 'student'.

I will be jobless/unemployed after May. The cycle is going to start again.History is going to repeat itself again.Deja Vu.


Few years back when I graduated from the polytechnic, I was also kinda lost as I practically do not know how to carry on from there. I joined the workforce ultimately and 'job-hopped' a few times. I seriously could not decide what kind of career path I want and I went back to study again. Yes.I went back to study because i could not make up my mind.Pathetic me.

Im back to face the same dilemia again. I definitely can't escape this time round.

I need to find answers to the following questions.

"What exactly do I want?"

"What kind of career path do I exactly want?"

"Which industry?"

"How to stop myself from job-hopping?"

Im a useless bum.

I think Im better off dead.


Monday, December 10, 2007
don't worry, be happy! posted at 6:25 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Ta Da...!

Looks like Im pretty caught up with the lazy bug.When can I ever get myself to sit down and do serious revision?!?! I always give myself excuses and nothing else but excuses to leave my study desk few lines into reading my notes.When can I get down to serious work?????

On a lighter note, I was at the xing guang si shao qian chang hui last friday. Yes,I guess Im only serious about zui-ing idols.Is there any full time job which allows me to do this kind of job scope? I will definitely stick to this job for life.Haha...Hmmm...maybe some yu le zu bo position will suit me....

I made my way to Bugis square after work that evening.Though I wasn't near to the stage,considering I was there at 7pm when the event started 10mins lata, I was glad to have been there. At least I was able to listen to them sing live.Im not interested in their looks but more in their voices.The Si Shao belted out 9 songs in total; each singing 2 songs and a da he chang together.Powerful and distinctive are the words I would use to describe You Jia 's singing. I also enjoyed the other 3 guys' singing but I like You Jia 's voice the best.

I was looking forward to dinner after their performance but XY totally shocked me with her actions.She dashed towards to the temporary set-up stall selling their albums and laid her hands on 2 different versions of dvd and parted $38 without hesitation. This was not the end. She headed towards the loooong queue(queue stretched from the stage next to the Starbucks to the taxi-stand)and was gladly looking at the dvds. I have not even got time to react when she passed me one of the dvds,"so u take one and me take one n get them autographed." Pengz...I was the one who was more interested in the stars initially and I was the one who asked her to accompany me to this event that afternoon. Looks like I can now categorize her under the group of "chong dong yi pai."

"U sure? the queue is kinda long..."


"Aren't u hungry n tired after a day 's work?"

"Yes, but i still want to queue.I treat ya dinner after this."

I reluctantly replied,"Okay..."

I wasn't too enthu to get their signatures or to take a close look of them as Im more interested in their voices.Having listened to them sang, I was pretty satisfied. I didn't want to XY to be disappointed so I joined the queue with her.

5 minutes later...

"Erm, can i go shopping first and join ya lata?"

"Er, does ya feet hurt after all u r wearing new shoes?"

"U hungry?"

"Hmmmm..let me think carefully whether I still want to queue.....I think lets head for dinner ba,me hungy too..."

I heaved a sign of relief. I admit for being a bit too selfish but but but but but her feet hurt and we were both tired and hungry after the long day. Its for the good of both of us.heehee....

The fickle minded me kind of regretted my decision after dinner. Why din I persist and obediently queue for their autographs? It will be good to take a close look of them too....haiz....

Anyway, I am glad that XY purchased their albums. Im happily listening to their albums now! Gee...Thanks,XY !

Well, I got myself into dilemma again. Mr. Pig is cuming this weekend to promote his latest album. The event is held this Saturday at Marina Square.Should I or should I not? Any takers...?


Sunday, December 2, 2007
don't worry, be happy! posted at 7:51 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Good, Good, Good, Good,Good!

That is Mr Pig 's kou tou can.And its gonna be mine too.Haha.I was at his concert yesterday.I enjoyed myself but was suffering from backache at the end of the concert.Was standing up throughout the whole concert with my hands up in the air.I like the 'high high high' atmosphere man!

His dancesteps are suave and swift; to the extent that the microphone was spoilt after a few songs! And he never fails to entertain us with his jokes plus his 'pig style' english."...Do you have girlfriend? No? Me too.Later, you hand and me hand, touch." That was the conversation he exchanged with a male fan picked to sing with him.

Though Mr Pig had certain lyrics sang wrongly, the show was excellent.I simply love his perfomance!Looking forward to his next concert!

A few Mediacorp artisties were there last night-Felicia Chin, Li Teng and Jeff Wang.Several fans were quening to take pics with them,especially Felicia Chin. Looks like Felicia Chin stands a higer chance to grab an award at the upcoming hong xin da jiang.

To conclude, Mr. Pig aka Xiao Zhu aka Luo Zhixiang aka Show aka ya zhou xin wu wang simply rocks!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007
don't worry, be happy! posted at 9:59 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I just checked my student portal acc a minute ago.The exam entry exercise is starting soon in early Jan.This means my series of nightmare is going to start soon and it will never end this time round. Prelim will most likely begin after CNY, followed by the actual paper in May/June. I will be forced to give up my student identity thereafter.sob sob....And I will have to start preparing my resume soon after. Followed by several rounds of interviews, that is if the HR pple are willing to grant me interviews.Or if there is any kind soul who is willing to refer me?Technically speaking, its a win-win situation for both of us.I stand a slightly higher chance n u get to earn the referral fees.ha.

Stepping into the working world is disastrous.And i seriously mean it.

Number one,punctuality counts.Waking up early in the morning and slogging to work on time is cruel(in my humble opinion). That means no sleeping in.Haiz...

Number two, playing politics. Sometimes, it ain't easy to remain neutral.

Number three, personal free time is greatly reduced. And i mean

Number four, difficult internal customers=colleagues. Facing difficult external customers is already going to result in wrinkles appearing earlier then supposed to be. Facing difficult colleagues only makes life difficult.Why make life difficult when its just ren sheng duan duan ji shi nian? Shouldn't we try to enjoy life?

Okok...i admit, I just dun wish to face the reality. Im just giving excuses.Im always the one trying to escape from reality. Since i dun have a choice, I just have to face it positively. Always look on the bright side of life! ( I hope I can practice what I preach.)At least at the end of the day, I will have a 'fatter' bank acc. That is if I can control myself from excessive spending! haha!

Wish me luck,peeps! Jia You! Jia You! Jia You! (",)